
Monday 22 April 2013

料理: 韓国料理 方面: 銀座 レストラン: Korean Kitchen はるはる 銀座店 3.5/5


 色々な前菜 - Various starters

 韓国のピザみたいな料理 - Korean pancakes/pizza?
 焼肉の野菜 - Korean BBQ vegetables
焼肉の肉 - Korean BBQ meat


It's not often I eat non-Japanese food in Japan, but last Friday I ended up at a Korean restaurant in Ginza. They had a LOT of different dishes on the menu and there's no way you could eat them all by going there once. We had some starters, Korean pancakes and then Korean BBQ to finish it all off.

The plate of various vegetables looked great and had a few things I quite liked. The Korean pancakes weren't bad, but nothing special. The Korean BBQ at the end was easily the best part and better than the Korean BBQ I ate in Korea, although that's not saying a whole it. The vegetables looked great and the meat was simply very tasty! The only downside was that I believe there was only 1 type of meat you could choose from. I'm by no means an expert on Korean BBQ, but I'm quite sure that usually you can pick from at least a few different types. That doesn't change the fact that it was very tasty though!

Rating: 3.5/5



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