
Monday, 22 April 2013

料理: ラーメン 方面: 東池袋 レストラン: つけ麺屋 やすべえ 池袋店 2.5/5


Today I went for some Ramen at one of Ikebukuro's many Ramen shops. This one seemed to specialize in Tsukemen and because I had some really delicious Tsukemen recently, I didn't mind at all. I went for the non-spicy one with a few added toppings. Seaweed, extra pork and an egg. It bumped up the total price to a little over 1000JPY, which is pricy for Ramen, but the toppings were very good. The accompanying soup however was a little disappointing. Quite tasty, but also quite cold, which meant I had to eat the noodles cold. I prefer it when the soup is quite warm, so the noodles can heat up a little and you can eat them just a little bit warm. Overall a pretty average bowl of Tsukemen with good toppings.

Rating: 2.5/5



料理: 韓国料理 方面: 銀座 レストラン: Korean Kitchen はるはる 銀座店 3.5/5


 色々な前菜 - Various starters

 韓国のピザみたいな料理 - Korean pancakes/pizza?
 焼肉の野菜 - Korean BBQ vegetables
焼肉の肉 - Korean BBQ meat


It's not often I eat non-Japanese food in Japan, but last Friday I ended up at a Korean restaurant in Ginza. They had a LOT of different dishes on the menu and there's no way you could eat them all by going there once. We had some starters, Korean pancakes and then Korean BBQ to finish it all off.

The plate of various vegetables looked great and had a few things I quite liked. The Korean pancakes weren't bad, but nothing special. The Korean BBQ at the end was easily the best part and better than the Korean BBQ I ate in Korea, although that's not saying a whole it. The vegetables looked great and the meat was simply very tasty! The only downside was that I believe there was only 1 type of meat you could choose from. I'm by no means an expert on Korean BBQ, but I'm quite sure that usually you can pick from at least a few different types. That doesn't change the fact that it was very tasty though!

Rating: 3.5/5



料理: ラーメン 方面: 池袋駅 レストラン: 東京アンダーグラウンドラーメン頑者 池袋東武ホープセンター 3.5/5



The other day when my usual sushi lunch spot had a huge waiting list, I decided to check out this Ramen restaurant in Ikebukuro station. After having a bit of a disappointed bowl of Tsukemen recently at an otherwise very popular Ramen bar, I was going to order regular Ramen here, until I spotted a lot of people eaten Tsukemen here. This convinced me their Tsukemen must be good and so I ordered Tsukemen afterall.

It's slightly pricier than a lot of other Ramen restaurants, but you definitely get your money's worth, because they give you a lot of toppings as a standard. I found menma, egg, nori, lots of pork and a few other things in my soup. The soup was very thick and tasty and overall I thought it was a very good bowl of Ramen. Nonetheless I'm not sure I'll be back, because the competition for Ramen is quite heavy in Ikebukuro and the nearby Echika Sushi easily overshadows any food for lunch in not just Ikebukuro or Tokyo, but the entire world :)

Rating: 3.5/5



Sunday, 21 April 2013

料理: 寿司 方面: 西池袋 レストラン: 立喰 美登利 エチカ池袋店 5+/5

二三週間前にこの寿司店に発見をして、全世界で金額に見合う価値が一番良い店と呼びました。あれ以来よく行っていて、まだ同じ意見があります。実は もっと好きだようになりました!高いレストランで絶対もっと美味しいお寿司を食べられますが、四五千円以上払います。四千円以下寿司レストランの全てに比 べてこれが最も美味しいです。それに、最も安いです!味噌汁含んで八ピースのランチセットのおかげです。525円なんです!

こ の間晩ご飯を食べました。晩ご飯の方が高いですけど、晩ご飯も安いです。二十ぐらいピースを食べて、二千円ぐらいを払いました。うにや大トロや穴子などの ような高い握り寿司も食べたんです。晩ご飯は良かったですけど、この店で絶対に昼ご飯を好みます。昼ではもっと安いランチセットの他にもお寿司の方が少し 美味しいんですから。


 ランチ - Lunch
ランチ - Lunch
 ランチ - Lunch
 ランチ - Lunch
 ランチ - Lunch
 いくらとうに - Salmon Roe and Sea Urchin
 玉子つまみ - Omelette
Fatty Tuna, Middle Fatty Tuna, Yellowtail, Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Engawa and Omelette
 穴子 - Eel
 トロサーモンとはまち - Fatty Salmon and Yellowtail

2-3 weeks ago I discovered this AMAZING sushi bar in Ikebukuro and called it the best value food on the planet. I've been back here a dozen times during the past 2 weeks and I still believe this is very likely to be the case. If you're willing to seek out some more expensive restaurants you can definitely find better sushi than this, but you'll likely be paying 4-5000+ JPY for your meal. Compared to all the <4000JPY sushi restaurants I've been to, I think this has the best sushi and besides being the best, it's also the cheapest with a lunch set of 525JPY for 8 pieces with miso soup and unlimited green tea/water.

I also went for dinner the other day, which was slightly more expensive, but still very cheap. I believe I ate almost 20 pieces for around 2000JPY, including a few more expensive ones like Uni, O-toro and Anago. The dinner was good, but I still definitely prefer their lunch. I think besides being cheaper the Sushi may be of slightly better quality during lunchtime aswell.

The best way to describe the experience of living in Ikebukuro and being able to eat lunch at this restaurant almost daily is comparing it to robbing a bank every day and it being legal. It honestly feels like a crime paying them no more than 525JPY for such a high quality lunch!

Rating: 5+/5

